Not bad for your first game
I'm a crazy fan of Arkanoid, so you really couldn't lose with me. I've got 3 important suggestions:
1) up the framerate to something like 20. It looks really choppy as it is.
2) there is a glitch along the right hand side of the board where the ball ends up bouncing back and forth up and down a narrow strip to the right of all the blocks. It can't hit more blocks, and can't escape other than out the bottom killing you. Definitely work on that before the full release.
3) add some event sounds to the ball hitting the walls, paddle and bricks. That's what this game needs most.
Nice job....I look forward to spending hours in front of your future revisions of this. Also, perhaps you can make boards with different color blocks. The crazy boards that make up pictures and crap in DX Ball were always fun.